Top Ten Ways to Boost Your Immune System

memax_1.jpgTop Ten Ways to Boost Your Immune System

The best way to not become sick is to keep your immune system strong! Follow these steps to keep you body's defense system in peak performance and to help stay energized! 

- Dr. Chris

1. Drink plenty of fluids - Stay hydrated with pure water.  Bathe your cells with water to help flush your system (stay away from soda, diet soda or other sugary beverages!).
2. Get plenty of rest- Maybe this is the reason you are sick in the first place.  Your body needs rest and repair, it's not a luxury it's a NECESSITY.  If you have to hit snooze 5 times and need an alarm to get up chances are you need to get to bed earlier.
3. Stay away from refined sugar - Yep, that means all simple sugars like breads and pastas, sugary beverages, packaged foods, and sweets.  Sorry, simple sugars crush your immune system and bugs thrive on junk carbs.
4. Get adjusted - Have your spine and nervous system checked by a chiropractor, or get adjusted more frequently by one you already see. There is scientific evidence that shows that an adjustment helps stimulate your immune system by allowing the nervous system to function better.
5. Decrease Stressors in your life - Stress kills our immune system by keeping us in a sympathetic state or a state of breakdown. When you're well, your repair is greater than your breakdown.  Stress chemistry breaks down all your systems and leaves you vulnerable to attack.  Take a break! Take more deep breaths, and practice having gratitude.  Trust me, there are alot of people that have it worse off than you.
6. Up your antioxidant intake - Green leafy veggies, as many colors as possible, in an unlimited amount.  You can't overdo this one.  Fill up on healthy produce and those bugs won't stand a chance. Also, a great whole food supplement is a fantastic way to ensure purity and sufficiency.  I recommend Juice Plus, it is a great product.
7.  Move your body - You may have heard that this one has mixed reviews but it is my opinion that getting your blood moving and a little sweat going will only help your body kick those sniffles.  This is one that I advise not overdoing though since high intensity exercise can run you down some (Don't worry, most people aren't in danger of overdoing it).  Go for a light jog, bike ride, or do whatever will get you sweating.
8.  Abstain from alcohol and coffee - A shot of whisky or an espresso won't help kill anything except some brain cells.  Alcohol and caffeine suppresses your immune system and dehydrate your body. Period.
9. Take your pure fish oil and probiotics - Pure fish oil has a vast amount of helth benefits including one's that support immune function.  Your body needs healthy fats; especially one's it can only get from your diet like the omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA found in fish oil.  Probiotics also have fantastic evidence showing that a healthy gut flora helps with immune function and overall health.  These two vital ingredients are deficient in our diet as western industrialites.  I take both of these for health on a daily basis. We recommend Innate Choice fish oils and Theralac probiotics.

10. Nuture yourself - Make sure you take time to yourself, spend some time with friends, and indulge yourself in a massage, a hot bath, or an energy work session when you want one. I advise taking a "mental health day" every few months to make sure your emotional needs are met. When you're happy, you're far less likely to get sick.

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